Accounting Office Ramón Santafé S.L.

From the beginning of the establishment of our office, the main goal was to apply in practice the acquired knowledge in the field of tax and personnel law as well as administrative management in order to reach the widest possible audience. We wanted both self-employed persons and small and medium-sized enterprises to be able to develop their business activities based on professional legal and accounting services.

Customer satisfaction is of utter importance to us

We always put in the effort to make our clients feel that they are the most important to us. We know how hard it is to operate on the Spanish market, therefore, we always listen intently to the needs of our clients.

Gestoría Ramón Santafé, S.L. is a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund, which aims to improve the competitiveness of SMEs and launched an Internationalization Plan to improve its competitive position abroad in 2020. This can be done with the support of the XPANDE Program of the Valencian Chamber of Commerce. The goal is to transfer knowledge to small and large companies abroad by offering our services.